All along the project we have been gathering pictures of our experiences and finally we got this cute pannel.
Hope you like it !
BHAK/BHAS in Oberpullendorf (Austria), I.I.S.S Ricciotto Canudo in Gioia del Colle (Italy) and IES Alto Guadiana in Tomelloso (Spain) are partners of this project based on the European Cultural Heritage and Ecotourism within our towns and countries. This is a short and long term students' mobilities visiting our three countries and schools
All along the project we have been gathering pictures of our experiences and finally we got this cute pannel.
Hope you like it !
Here you can see a video sumarizing our project.
Italian, Austrian and Spanish schools meeting at Spanish School IES Alto Guadiana.
Erasmus+ program
‘European Cultural Heritage and Ecotourism’ : E-CH@T
From April 25th to 29th, 2022 schools participating in the Erasmus+ program E-CH@T gathered at Spanish school IES Alto Guadiana in a short mobility meeting: students and teachers from Bhak Bhas school (Oberpullendorf, Austria), I.I.S.S. Licei Canudo-Marone-ITI Galilei (Giogia del Colle, Italia) and IES Alto Guadiana (Tomelloso, Spain).
Students were willing to have this meeting because they have formed very good bonds among them in the previous meetings in Austria and Italy. All of them have been excellent hosts whenever students and teachers have visited their school, city and country.
Monday, April 25th
After the school wellcome and show the school and ways of work, students participated in an icebreaking activity. Math teachers had prepared an original math Origami challenge that students, organized in country mixed groups had to solve.
Around midmorning, the group headed to the city hall,
where the mayoress, Inmaculada Jiménez, and
the councilwoman in charge of education, Nazareth Rodrigo, were wating to wellcome us.
After that, all of us went to visit a prívate cave, were wine is stored (thanks to the owner, Manuel Jiménez for being so polite showing it and teaching to us).
Then, we returned to the school, making a pause to have lunch.
At 4PM we took part in a guided visit to Bodegas
Peinado (Brandy destillery). Thanks again to Víctor Gallego, the manager, for
being so kind and professional.
Tuesday, April 26th
Other aims of our Project, apart from Cultural
Heritage, are ecological and sport activities, ¿what a better place to do that
than Rudiera Lakes National Park near us?
The 3 schools participating in the Erasmus+ Project
went to Ruidera, where we practised several sport guided activities (kayak and
hiking). Teachers and students expressed
they liked it a lot, so activities as environment.
Cultural heritage, another aim of our Erasmus+
We headed to Toledo, where we could enjoy a guided visit by Luis
Gómez de Ávila Portillo, an excelent guide that showed us the most emblematic
places in the City of river Tajo.
From Zocodover’s square we went into this rambling
city where many different cultures got along (Muslim, Jewish, Christian) and
still many vestiges and buildings are remaining and were explained by our guide
even adding some anecdotes. During the two hours visit we were in the Cathedral, the Cristo de la Luz
Mosque, the Santo Tomé Church (where “El entierro del Señor de Orgaz painting the
masterpiece from El Greco is), and Jesuitas and San Juan de los Reyes churches.
After a deserved rest, in the afternoon we were taking
panoramic pictures from different points of the city such as Puerta de Bisagra
and del Sol, San Martín de Alcántara bridge and the overlook of Valle.
Jueves, 28 de abril
The group went to Almagro, Valdepeñas and Campo de
Criptana cities.
At Campo de Criptana we could enjoy a guided tour by
Carmen Alberca Lucerón.
The guide showed us one of the windmills placed in La
Sierra de los Molinos, one of the famous windmills inmortalized in the novel by
Cervantes, Don Quijote de la Mancha, where they were mistaken by giants. Inside
we could see mill stones, the store places and the “ventanucos” (windows) that
helped the mill owner to know where he must put the conic cover for the
impressive blades took better advantage of the wind.
After a short walk we went into the old places of the
city, el barrio del Albaicín, with its typical houses painted in blue indigo
and white; the guide told us stories and legends about that.
We could take pictures from a privileged view where
the windmills are located.
Viernes, 29 de abril
Last day of our delegations meeting.
During the morning, students atended and participated
in different classes, what a joy was seeing their excited faces getting along.
Teachers did job shadowing activities and coordination
From midmorning, all of the participants in the project
gathered to work in their assigned jobs: presentations, articles, videos,
contests, …
In the final of the morning we procceed to the recognition and certifications for the participants and then we ate altogether.
Finally all of us said goodbye with plain satisfaction
for a good work done and the understanding and get along achieved so as the
friendship built up.
Our intention is to continue participating in these
kind of projects that we know, first hand, they are really positive for the
academic and personal growth of our students.
¡Thank you all of you that have made this posible¡